Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 4: August 27th

Day 4:

Getting kids to daycare in the morning is taking its toll on me and the kids, especially Haiven. She cries when I leave and I cry when I drive away. I feel guilty for leaving her. Taj doesn't care that I leave anymore. He is excited to play with the toys. I say a prayer and then I turn on the radio to distract myself on my commute. My computer is still not hooked up to a printer, my projector doesn't work, and I can't access the gradebook or attendance system. I do everything by hand. I get super behind with grading. Today we start class presentations of students and their partners. This takes much longer than expected because they have to look on the board and slowly read the question out loud before they understand what the answer means on their paper. Next time, I will have students only introduce five things about their partner instead of 15. We spend the last 20 minutes of each class at the computer lab signing user agreement policy. About 15 kids total are not able to log in to computers. Big mess-does not get resolved until Friday. Kids are still chatty, especially 7th period. I threaten to change the seating chart and dock participation points. Computer still not hooked up to printer, very frustrating. Still can't access gradebook or attendance programs and projector still not hooked up.

Day 4: I survived.

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